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Am I the only one who is bored with baseball?

Discussion in 'MLB' started by Michael Shoe Maker, Apr 18, 2014.

This thread is being watched by 17 users.
  1. Michael Shoe Maker

    Michael Shoe Maker Member

    Jan 31, 2014
    I don't know why a lot of people love watching baseball. Yes, it's a team sport and yes, it involves running and jumping and throwing and hitting a ball with a bat. When my friends say that we should watch baseball together, I always pass. I don't find any interest in that sport.

    Do you like watching and/or playing baseball? Am I the only one here who's bored with it?
  2. rosa

    rosa Active Member Top Contributor

    Jan 20, 2014
    I think baseball is quite similar to cricket that we play here in the Caribbean but I am only familiar with it because I see it on TV. I like cricket but I am not a big fan so I think it would be the same with baseball. If my family is watching it I'll stick around to support them but otherwise I don't have any interest at all for the sport.
  3. vandemon777

    vandemon777 Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    Same here sir. Although there is more excitement in playing the game rather than watching from the sidelines based on my experience. I think you have to have the passion for the game to really enjoy watching it.
  4. McDoooobz

    McDoooobz New Member

    Jun 26, 2014
    I think baseball is one of my favorite sports to watch. I think like the guy above me said, you have to have a passion for the sport. It's tough to get into, but I played it as a kid and it was my favorite sport. I guess it just stuck with me.
  5. sidney

    sidney Active Member Founding Member Top Thread

    Sep 15, 2012
    Oh you definitely are not alone. I get bored watching every other sport, it's just something that I couldn't care less about. I don't think I can stand watching one unless the player is cute. And even if he is, I will only watch for a few minutes to check him out, then I will switch the channel.
  6. jbeavis100

    jbeavis100 Member

    Dec 16, 2013
    I don't really like watching sports, I rather play.. It's too boring watching...
  7. CharlotteHornetsFan

    CharlotteHornetsFan New Member

    Jul 13, 2014
    I never liked baseball always way to slow for me. The games take to long I lose concentration.
  8. FosterTXT

    FosterTXT Member

    Jun 2, 2014
    I kind of like baseball, but I can see how some people would find it boring. Unless you're actually into the sport, a baseball game seems like there isn't a whole lot of action going on other than some people throwing and wacking a ball around. It doesn't help that the typical baseball game usually lasts a good while.
  9. pascual

    pascual New Member

    Jul 13, 2014
    Played baseball all throughout my childhood but in my adult years it has become one of the lesser favorite sports for me. Honestly, other than motor sports and footy (soccer, football, futbol) I don't really watch many sports. I do enjoy playing a bunch of sports and hitting the batting cages once in a while is fun, but watching baseball is kind of boring. I follow the Blue Jays as they are my home team and are not doing too bad at the moment, but I am far from a regular fan. One thing I'll say is going to games is a lot more fun than watching on TV. Hotdogs and beer in a loud stadium make any sport enjoyable.
  10. sherman51

    sherman51 New Member

    Jul 11, 2014
    I loved watching baseball more as a kid. Today I will follow my team if they are doing well, but when they start to drop in the standings I usually start to tune out. The summer is hard because there really is only baseball and golf. At least in the fall you have football, baseball playoffs and hockey...and once baseball playoffs end you get basketball.
    Summer is horrible for sports and baseball suffers from a long season with a lot of meaningless games until about Agust when pennant races start to heat up.
  11. mcjonesqwe

    mcjonesqwe Member

    Jul 18, 2014
    Lately I have really been enjoying baseball. It's a great sport if you've had a long day at work and you just plop on the couch to chill with something easy to watch. I also really like the commentators for baseball games. They always seem so much better at their job and interesting than those others with sports where there's a lot of play-by-play. Once it gets down to the games that matter to see which team will make it into the playoffs, that's where the real drama happens, and I've always liked those games.
  12. elmarianexx

    elmarianexx Member

    Jul 18, 2014
    No, I'm also bored with it. I've never been a fan. ;/
  13. Jerome Moore

    Jerome Moore New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
    I remember as a kid I tried to watch baseball games with my grandfather and I would always fall alsleep by the third inning.
  14. Velvetsongs

    Velvetsongs Active Member Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2012
    I played on a co-ed baseball team when I was a kid, it was kind of fun. As a teen, I watched a lot of baseball because my dad was a die-hard fan. As an adult, I like the game just because of the 'patience' aspect of it. One has to be really, really patient in order to deal with baseball. I find that any kind of sport that exercises my patience is a good thing.

    I really like certain baseball players, and the story behind them. Ever heard of Miguel Angel Sano? There is a documentary about him called "Pelotero". It is fabulous. I love documentaries, and this one is definitely in my 'Top 10' for sure.
  15. mcjonesqwe

    mcjonesqwe Member

    Jul 18, 2014
    I think the best sports movies come from a story about baseball usually. Especially the ones that showcase a Latin-American player climbing out of poverty.
  16. Velvetsongs

    Velvetsongs Active Member Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2012

    Since you like things about Latin players climbing out of poverty, then you should
    definitely check out "Pelotero" because that's what this film is all about. It's fabulous (the story).

    It takes place in the Domican Republic, and it is a documentary about 2 very young
    players and the obstacles they have to go through to play baseball in the states.

    I adore this film. I watch it at least once every few months.
    To me, one of the greatest lessons that the film teaches is the
    difference between doing something that you love just for
    the love of it, as opposed to doing something just for the money.
  17. mcjonesqwe

    mcjonesqwe Member

    Jul 18, 2014
    Thanks, I'll add it to my movies to watch list. I also saw a movie I liked called "Sugar." It was about pretty much the same thing, however I thought the ending was poorly made and too abrupt. Glad you like those kinds of movies too. ;)
  18. wulfman

    wulfman New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    Its fun in October. I think the season is too long. I am however looking forward to college football.
  19. kaineparker

    kaineparker New Member

    Aug 11, 2014
    I could never get into baseball. It's such a linear game to me and I much prefer football and basketball. However, baseball does get semi exciting when people try to steal bases.
  20. Velvetsongs

    Velvetsongs Active Member Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2012
    You have a 'movies to watch' list? I like that, I kind of have one of those too, but it's no so much a list as it is whenever I hear of a movie that I want to watch, I'll write that information down somewhere. So basically I have my 'movies to watch" information on pieces of paper here, there and everywhere. I should organize them.

    Sugar? I never heard of it until now, with you mentioning it. I'll have to google it and see what it is all about. Is it a movie, or a real-life documentary? As I'm sure I already wrote before. 'Pelotero' is a documentary... real life. One of the players, Miguel Sano, I look him up online every now and then just to see how he is currently progressing in his baseball career.
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