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My little truck

Discussion in 'Members rides' started by Karen May Jones, Dec 3, 2012.

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  1. Karen May Jones

    Karen May Jones New Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    Hi, I've been trying to take care of this thing, but after I moved it seems like it just keeps getting bad luck. Like the day I let my sister drive it and she got stuck in the seatbelt, it was a hundred and five degrees outside.... so I had to resort to using the scissors on my seatbelts :-[. Come to find out, her son had put a coin down in the seatbelt's pushbutton mechanism... and locked it up. :(

    P2.jpg 100_3688.jpg metrk.jpg
  2. Flexin

    Flexin Admin Staff Member Founding Member Top Event

    Apr 25, 2012
    Truck Driver
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Nice Blazer. The coin in seat belt is a pain. Its surprising how many times that happens. I'm guessing you bought a new seat belt. What did they charge for the belt?

    How many miles are on it?

  3. Karen May Jones

    Karen May Jones New Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    No, I haven't bought a new seatbelt yet (not ready for that surprise, lol). The top part of the seatbelt works (the shoulder part). When assessing the situation, I opted to cut the lap section of the belt. This will probably get me killed, but it won't get me pulled over. LoL

    There's about 130k miles on it right now. I would like to get some new front bucket seats in it. Also, there is something weird going on in the steering column - it's a little loose (vertically). I've seen this steering column loosening thing happen on a couple other vehicles of the same model.
  4. Flexin

    Flexin Admin Staff Member Founding Member Top Event

    Apr 25, 2012
    Truck Driver
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Yours must have the two piece belt. I don't think the belt would be that expensive. You can also look in the junk yards. I would replace it just to be safe. Plus if you get pulled over they could notice the missing lap belt and you could get a ticket anyway.

    Whats wrong with the bucket seats you have in it now? Are they damaged? Do you want the same seats or custom seats? Does it have tilt steering? I'm wondering if that is causing it to be loose. Is it just the wheel or the whole steering column?

  5. xStylezx

    xStylezx Member

    Aug 24, 2012
    I love those older style Blazers like that. They always remind me of being 16 years old again when I seen those S.U.V's everywhere. I had a good friend with one and we had that bad boy booming with a couple Kicker Comp 12's in the back! Ahhh, those days were fun!
  6. themdno

    themdno Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    I would definitely second the idea of going to the junkyard for the 'new' seatbelt. It'd be the best place to get it, as that's an easy item to get, and would be next to nothing at the junkyard.

    It shouldn't be too much, you'd be better off just biting the bullet and seeing how mush you'll have to pay.
    bigal3 likes this.
  7. Velvetsongs

    Velvetsongs Active Member Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2012
    That's a nice truck. I like it because it is a truck, and therefore you get the benefits of a truck ie being able to carry more bags home from the store when you finish shopping:):D (I love shopping). However, the truck is a manageable size to maneuver around in with ease. No huge drama, like trying to park some huge SUV.

    Too bad about your seat belt, I wish I could offer you some advice about it, but there is no need for me to because the men here are hookin' you up with the advice you need:thumbsup::thumbsup: .
  8. Flexin

    Flexin Admin Staff Member Founding Member Top Event

    Apr 25, 2012
    Truck Driver
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Doing a quick search, you can get a replacement belt from LMC Truck for $100. That is brand new. There are some universal ones I have found for $58. If you go used I wouldn't pay more then $40 or so. If you do buy used, check first to make sure that the truck isn't in the yard for an accident. You don't want a belt that was used in an accident already. If the truck is together, you can look at it to see if it was in an accident. But it would still be good to pull out all of the belt and inspect the belt for damage from an accident or any wear and tear. If there is any fraying or tearing I would keep looking.

  9. bigal3

    bigal3 Active Member Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2012
    I agree with you 100% about going to a salvage yard. The odds are you will find what you are looking for at a much reduced price if anything is charged at all. Usually items like that you can just ask the proprietor how much it cost and in my experience he just told me to take it off myself and there was no charge.
  10. twistedyees87

    twistedyees87 New Member

    Aug 12, 2013
    I actually never heard that story before and its interesting. I appreciate you sharing to inform other people of this issue.
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